Barton in Bloom

Rules of Play


Game Board Setup

  1. Place the game board in the center of the table.
  2. Place each of the specialists (dice) on their rest locations with a demand of 1 (set to a value of 1).
  3. Separate the orders into 3 decks based on their backs. Shuffle each deck and place them on the matching space above the sell action. Turn the top card of each deck face up.
  4. Shuffle the judge cards and place them, face down, on the designated space near the canvas judge action space.
  5. Place the decoration tiles in rings around the cenotaph.
  6. For each of the 5 flower types, add 6 single flower tokens to the market bag (30 in total).
  7. Draw tokens from the market bag to fill each flower market space.
  8. Roughly divide the garden cards into 3 equal piles and place them face down into the 3 spaces near the landscape action. Reveal the top card of each pile.
  9. Add all ornament tiles to their positions on the game board.
  10. Place the remaining flower tokens, money and prestige tokens where all players can reach them. All money, flower and prestige tokens are intended to be limitless; if you run out of any use a suitable substitute.
Game Setup

Player Board Setup

Determine a first player using your favourite method, then each player takes:

  1. A player board
  2. A gardener card with its awake side up. The different gardeners have no effect so pick your favourite.
  3. 1 of each of the 6 fertilizer upgrade tokens
  4. Their setup actions in player order (these should be gained from left to right). Each setup action is either gaining a specific resource or choosing between 2 options. These are:

    1. Gain £10.
    2. Draw a random flower from the market bag and add it to your shed.
    3. Draw a judge.
    4. Gain a garden card from the market (revealing a new one). Place it in any garden section on your player board.
    5. Draw a judge or gain £4 (it is recommended new players take £4).
    6. Plant a flower or gain a flower of their choice from the general supply.
Player Setup

Player Board

Each player has a player board for building their garden. Each player board has the following features:

  1. The Garden us a 3x3 grid of sections which can contain garden cards.
  2. The shed which holds all of your resources (money, flowers etc). The shed can hold any amount of resources.
  3. A space to hold your gossip judge card.
  4. Fertilizer section: There are 6 fertilizer sections in a players garden. Each can hold 1 fertilizer token. Once placed, they cannot be removed or changed. They affect each section below/left of the fertilizer.
  1. A reminder that when a garden card is completed (all of the flower bed spaces are covered), the player will immediately receive one of the following:

    1. Add a single flower token to any plant (stack of flower tokens in your garden) from the general supply. This cannot grow a plant past its maximum size.
    2. Harvest a single flower from any plant (move a single flower from any stack to your shed)
    3. Sell a flower for £3 (return a single flower from your your shed to the general supply)
  2. A reminder that when a garden card is completed the player will receive £2 each time they gain income.
Player board anatomy

Garden Cards

Garden cards make up your garden and have several features:

  1. Flower bed.
  2. Lawn.
  3. Paving.
  4. Pond.
  5. Paving and pond (counts as both).

When placed in your garden, matching features extend across multiple cards.

NOTE: A garden card is considered "complete" when all flower bed spaces are covered by plants or ornaments.

Playing the game

On a players turn they will perform an action by using one of the specialists (dice) or by taking a gardener action ().

To use a specialist a player will:

  1. either move a specialist to a new, unoccupied action space
  2. or; keep a specialist on its current location.

Once an action is selected the player will resolve the action effect from top to bottom. All references to "X" on actions refer to the demand (face up value) of the specialist used at the start of the turn.

NOTE: a specialist with a demand of 6 can only be used to take its rest action .

Each action is described in detail below.

Neutral Actions

Neutral actions have a single black bordered action space that can be taken by any specialist (the harvester can be used to take the "mow lawn" action for example). First a player must pay money equal to the current demand of the specialist prior to moving it. If the specialist already has a demand of 6 it cannot be used for neutral actions. Once the cost is paid, the player will perform the action from the action space, after which the demand of the specialist is increased by 1.

Each of these actions are described below.

Mow lawn

Gain £6.

Mow lawn action

Canvas Judge

Draw a judge card then you may play one of your judge cards from your hand (see judge cards).

Canvas judge action

Specialist Actions

Specialist actions are related to each of the specialists respectively and have 2 action spaces:

  • one black bordered which may be taken by any specialist (other than the related specialist).
  • and one space with the matching border which can only be taken by the related specialist.

Specialist actions have 2 options. When taking the action with the related specialist the player may take both options in any order. When taken by any other specialist they may either perform one of the 2 options or pay £2 to perform both actions in any order.

Bill takes the harvest action with the harvester which has a current demand of 3. They move the harvester to the harvest action space and pay £3 and take both parts of the harvest action.

Ben takes the sell action with the purchaser which has a current demand of 2. They move the purchaser to the sell action, they wish to take both parts of the action so pay £4 (£2 for the demand of the seller and £2 for the cost to take both actions).

After taking an action, the demand of the specialist is increased by 1.

The specialist actions are described below.


Harvest action

Fully grow one of your plants by adding flower tokens from the general supply to the stack until it has reached its maxium size (3 by default but can be upgraded with fertilizer).

Move any number of flower tokens from any number of your plants to your shed. This could remove the final flower in the stack.

Each plant harvested beyond the first cost £1 more than the previous (harvesting from 1/2/3/4 plants costs an additional £0/£1/£3/£6). A breakdown of these costs are given on the player aid.

No matter how many plants are harvested, the demand of the specialist is only ever increased by 1.


Landscape action

Gain a new garden card and add it to any, empty garden section on your player board.

When placed, a garden card may be rotated to any orientation.

Plant any number of flower tokens from your shed into empty flower bed spaces in your garden. The first token is free but each subsequent planting costs £1 more than the last (planting 1/2/3/4 plants costs an additional £0/£1/£3/£6). A breakdown of these costs are given on the player aid.

Each planted flower is then grown to its maximum size (3 flower tokens by default).


Purchase action

Purchase any number of flower tokens from the flower market for the cost printed below each token, placing them in your shed.

After making all purchases, move remaining flower tokens in the market to the right to fill empty spaces, then, draw flower tokens from the market bag until all remaining spaces are filled.

If any tokens ever need to be drawn from the market bag and it is empty, first refill it with 6 of each of the 5 types of flower.

Purchase an ornament, paying the cost printed next to the tile and placing it in your garden.

The ornament may be placed anywhere on your board but must fit entirely on garden cards and not overlap other ornaments or plants. Any covered features on garden cards are considered blank, this way ornaments can be used to break up paved areas, lawns and ponds as well as covering flower beds for the sake of completion.

When placed, an ornament may be rotated to any orientation.

Each ornament is described at the back of this book.


Sell action

Complete up to 3 orders. To do this, return the flowers shown on the order to the general supply from your shed (each flower icon on an order may be fulfilled by spending any 2 flower tokens of your choice), gain the money shown and take the order, this will be worth an amount of prestige at the end of the game as printed on the card.

Completing the first order is free, the second costs £2 and the third costs £4. Money gained from completing one order can be used to pay for completing the second and third orders.

After you have completed all the orders you wish to complete, ensure the top of each stack is turned face up.

Return any flowers from your shed, to the general supply and gain £3.

Rest Actions

Rest actions only have 1 colored action space that can only be taken by the related specialist. They all cost £0 no matter the demand of the specialist.

To perform a rest action the player will:

  1. Move one of the specialists to its rest action space.
  2. Resolve all incomes in any order:
  3. Perform the rest action.
  4. Set the specialist's demand to 1.

The rest actions are described below.


For a number of different flower tokens in your shed, up to the current demand of the harvester, gain a matching token from the general supply.

Harvest rest action


Gain prestige equal to the current demand of the landscaper or the number of completed sections in your garden, whichever is less.

Landscaper rest action


You may purchase one fertilizer token for its base cost minus the demand of the purchaser (minimum £0).

Purchaser rest action


Gain money equal to twice the demand of the seller. All other players gain £3.

Seller rest action

Taking a gardener action

Once, between resting, players can use their gardener card to take an action by flipping it to it's sleepy side. They can then take one of the neutral actions, either half of a specialist action (but not both, even if they pay money) or provide one of the decorations. Each available action is shown by the trowel icon on the game board.

These actions can be taken even if all spaces on that action are already filled by specialists as this doesn't require the movement of any specialists.

When a player next gains income (usually through resting), the gardener card is flipped back to its awake side.


When a player provides a decoration they will pay the flower cost and take the tile from around the cenotaph. There are 3 different decoration types:

  • Outer - To provide one you will need to spend any 2 different flowers from your shed. At the end of the game, if you have provided 1/2/3/4 you will gain 4/9/15/22 prestige.
  • Middle - To provide one you will need to spend 2 flowers of the same type from your shed. At the end of the game, if you have provided 1/2/3/4 you will gain 2/5/9/15 prestige.
  • Inner - To provide one you will need to spend any flower. At the end of the game, you will gain 2 prestige for each.


Each player has access to 6 fertilizer tokens. Each can be added to their player boards in one of the fertilizer sections. They provide ongoing effects that affect each garden card in the row/column below/to the left of the placed fertilizer. The effects are:

Fertilizer can only be purchased using the purchaser rest action or by using the "double purchase" judge bonus.

Each fertilizer is described at the back of this book.


Over the course of the game the judges who will be determining the best kept garden will be revealed.

At the start of the game each player will have one judge in their hand, more can be gained and played using the canvas judge action.

At the end of the game each played judge card will be scored by all players.

When played, a player may either play the card to the notice board or as gossip on their player board.

Cards played to the notice board will cover one of the one time bonuses. The player will gain that bonus immediately or chose to forfeit it. The bonuses for playing judge cards are as follows:

  1. Gain a judge: Draw a judge card and add it to your hand of judge cards.
  2. Gain a flower: Gain a flower of your choice from the general supply and add it to your shed.
  3. Double purchase: Purchase 2 items. This can be any combination of flowers, ornaments or fertilizers.
  4. Gain money: Gain £5.
  5. Gain a garden card: Gain A garden card and add it to any section of your garden.
Judges table

If there are no free judge spaces no further judges may be played to the notice board.

Rather than revealing the card to all players, a player may choose to play the card face down in their gossip area. This represents gossip around the village that only the player is privy to. A player may only have one gossip card in play but may play a second returning the first to their hand. At the end of the game all gossip cards are revealed and scored by all players.

Each judge has a criteria for awarding prestige. There are 2 different styles of judge:

The first rewards all players equally for completing a specific criteria. If the criteria is met, the player will receive 6 prestige.

"The Tulip Cross" requires a tulip in each corner garden section and the centre garden section. Both Bill and Ben both meet the criteria so will both be awarded 6 prestige. Since Weed doesn't meet the criteria, they will receive 0 prestige.

The second rewards the first, second and third given by a specific critera. If multiple players are tied for a position they share the prestige for the tied position and lower positions rounded up.

The player who performs the best will receive 8 prestige, second place will receive 4 prestige and third will receive 2 prestige.

In order to gain any points from one of these judges they must at least partially fulfil the criteria.

Bill and Ben both have 8 gnomes in their garden and Weed has none. Since "The Gnome Lover" judge is in play both Bill and Ben will be awarded 6 prestige (8 from first place 4 from second place shared equally). Since Weed has no gnomes they will receive 0 prestige as they do not qualify.

Ending the game

The game will enter the end phase when 1 player has a completed garden card in each section of their garden after which each other player will take one final turn. Once all players have taken their final turns the final prestige is calculated.

To calculate the final score each player totals up:

  1. Any player who completed their garden will receive 7 prestige.
  2. Reveal all gossip cards and score the prestige from all played judges (unplayed judge cards award no prestige).
  3. The total prestige from each completed order.
  4. Add any prestige tokens gained throughout the game.
  5. Add any prestige gained from ornaments.
  6. Any prestige earned by providing decorations.

The player with the most prestige is declared the winner. In the case of a tie the player with the most money is the winner. If the game is still a tie, the tied players share the victory.



  • Decoration: Decoration tiles that can be provided by a player. At the end of the game the player who provides the decoration will gain prestige based on the number of tokens they gained.
  • Demand: The current cost to use a specialist. This is shown by the current value of the dice.
  • Fertilizer: An upgrade to your garden.
  • Fertilizer Section: Section of a players garden for holding fertilizer tokens
  • Flower: Token that can be sold or added to your garden.
  • Flower Market: Section of the market for holding flowers
  • Flower bed: Feature on garden cards to place flower tokens on.
  • Fully Grow: Add flowers to a plant from the general supply until the plant is at it's maximum size (default 3 flowers)
  • Garden: The square grid that will the player will show to the judges at the end of the game to earn prestige.
  • Garden Section: Area on the garden for garden tiles.
  • Garden card: A card to hold flowers and ornaments in your garden
  • Gardener: Card that allows you to take a free action.
  • General supply: The shared supply of un owned resources
  • Gossip: A judge card know only to you, it is still scored by all players
  • Harvester: Specialist specializing in growing and harvesting flowers.
  • Income: Benefits gained and costs paid when resting.
  • Judge: A card played by one of the players describing a way to earn victory points
  • Landscaper: Specialist specializing in filling your landscape.
  • Market Bag: Bag for randomizing tokens in the market
  • Market Token: Flowers and fertilizer
  • Notice board: Section of the game board to store face up judges.
  • Order: Cards describing specific flowers that are required by the public. These give prestige as well as money.
  • Ornament: A token added to your garden to gain special benefits.
  • Path: A contiguous paved section in your garden.
  • Plant: A stack of flower tokens in a garden.
  • Prestige: Points gained throughout the game and in final scoring to determine the winner.
  • Purchaser: Specialist specializing in buying things from the market.
  • Seller: Specialist specializing in selling flowers.
  • Shed: Personal supply of resources.
  • Specialist: The share a pool of workers. Each is more efficient when taking a specific action.


  • Gain or pay the money shown. If no value is shown gain 1.
  • Bonus gained when resolving income.
  • The benefit gained by other players
  • Prestige gained. If no value is shown gain 1.
  • An ornament tile purchased from the market.
  • An order.
  • A member of the judging panel.
  • Fertilizer.
  • The number of completed garden sections
  • The actions that can be taken by your gardener


  • Gain a garden tile from the market and add it to your garden.
  • Plant a flower.
  • Plant any number of flowers, after the first, each cost an extra £1.
  • Buy a flower, ornament or fertilizer from the market.
  • Buy a flower from the market.
  • Buy an ornament from the market.
  • Buy a fertilizer.
  • Move a flower token from a plant to your shed.
  • Move any number of flower token from a single plant to your shed.
  • Add flower to plant
  • Grow a plant to it's maximum size
  • Draw a judge card
  • Play a judge card to the notice board or your gossip area
  • Resolve all income effects
  • Draw a flower token from the market bag
  • Sell a single flower from your shed for £3


  • Any flower token.
  • A flower from a daffodil plant.
  • A flower from a lily plant
  • A flower from an orchid plant
  • A flower from a rose plant.
  • A flower from a tulip plant.


  • Action that can only be taken by the harvester
  • Action that can only be taken by the landscaper
  • Action that can only be taken by the purchaser
  • Action that can only be taken by the seller
  • Action that cannot be taken by the harvester
  • Action that cannot be taken by the landscaper
  • Action that cannot be taken by the purchaser
  • Action that cannot be taken by the seller


Fertilizer - landscape
Cheap Landscape (£4)
When adding a plant gain £1
Fertilizer - income
Income (£6)
During income, gain £1 for each completed garden section.
Fertilizer - size
Plant Size (£10)
All plants can have 4 flowers in the stack.
Fertilizer - growth
Fast Growth (£14)
All plants gain a flower during income.
Fertilizer - harvest
Bountiful (£16)
When harvesting, gain an additional flower of the same type
Fertilizer - auto prune
Auto-prune (£16)
During income, you may harvest a single flower from any number of plants.


An ornament that takes up a single space on the garden.

An ornament that takes up 2 spaces on the garden.

Gain 1 prestige at the end of the game for each, different adjacent path.

Wishing Well
When gaining income you may spend more money than the number of prestige on this tile to add another prestige here.

Bird Feeder
When gaining income you may plant a flower token from your shed to any garden section.

Gain 2 prestige at the end of the game.

Bee Hive: During income gain £1 for each plant on the garden card.

Ride On Mower: Gain an extra £2 when performing the Mow Lawn action.

Gain an extra £2 when gaining income.

Add a flower from your shed here when purchased. Whenever you sell a flower or completes an order, gains £1 for each matching flower used (including flowers used to replace other flowers in orders).